Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Comment on Lauren's editorial on gays.

I disagree, mostly because i understand that we cannot have civil liberties without having morality as well. Morals are what keep our liberties in check, so that we wont exploit them to our benefits whenever we feel that we start to feel entitlement to every life-style that pleases.
Our liberty is the right to PURSUE happiness, not a guarantee that we will be! The reason that America sticks to core values is because the Framers knew that there will always be people trying to exploit, twist and analysis that constitution to their own benefit.
When you talk about hurting anyone, it in fact does, because the mind set that homosexuals carry are unrealistic. How can they, being of the same sex, be compatible and true mates for each other? They cannot, one of my teacher talked about counseling for same-sex couples because they needed to establish which one would be the one to back down when they encounter normal 'couple disputes.'You cannot counsel them to take a role of something they are not, one man and one women is needed as a balance to the relationship, the intimacy, and personal understatement towards one another. They are compatible.
Government isn't oppressing anyone, people oppress themselves.