Monday, April 21, 2008

be the voice, NOT THE NOISE!!

Whose the noise and who is the ten percent who has it right but is drowned out by the NOISE? How impended is corruption in our government; not in the system itself but the people manipulating it. I believe there is something wrong with the way government is being worked today, it isn’t so much the cancelling out, but the handout they want to give us. I like being supported, but you got to know when you’re being helped and when your being crippled.
HEHE The stimulus package would make me happy and help, but what do I do when that money is gone. That is the problem with easy money, it is easily spent. How many people are going to use it to help themselves and how many are going to keep reaching in their pockets expecting the money to be never ending.
Some people in government have people believing they are the ones that need help and poor “poor” them. Yes everyone need a hand at some point in their life, but how many people stay down, dependant on government.
We hear too many stories about people in trouble and unable to get up, thank you Obama and Clinton. But how often do we hear about those in a desperate situation and are able to get themselves up? Listen, that ten percent voice is there in the mist of the outcry for help in 2008 and in an AMAZING counry full of opportunities.

Wow: Comment on **Stars & Stripes**

It seems media does tell you what to think about; only ever since we were little we were told "Don't believe everything you hear (or are told.) All the "Drive-By" Media has done is impose fear on people, that the economy my go into a recession, and when people hear this they think "Depression." No, at this time in America, there would be more obvious affects other than gas prices announcing a recession.
Just because people were unprepared in this "mortgage crisis" does not mean every other homeowner will go down the same path. After all, isn't it all in the same scenario as a credit card, these people believed if they start paying low interest in mortgage then that would give them enough time to save up when mortgage went up. Um No! Because the extra money saved would eventually be used for something different, and saving would always be put off for "Oh, I'll start next month," and so forth.
War for Oil, i don't think so; most people don't sign off their right of life to save others if they knew it was for Oil. Here they will tell you MOST DEFINITELY why it isn't reasonable to believe we'd declare war over oil over seas!
If we'd give into the "Drive-By(s)" there would be no need to go anywhere and so, just let the recession come, become more dependant on government to solve our problems, and thus surrender our freedom of choice. (choice to bring ourselves up by our own bootstraps)